Ongoing projects
Emmy Noether Research Group
Hannah Zagel is head of the research group "Varieties of Reproduction Regimes", which is funded by the DFG's Emmy Noether Program and based at WZB Berlin Social Science Center (2022-2028). The seeks to understand the interplay of policies regulating reproduction, inequalities and norms from a comparative perspective. Reproduction is understood as processes around planning, avoiding, starting, carrying or ending pregnancy and procreation. Our research pays particular attention to the role of policies and regulations to a) shape patterns of reproduction in the life course differentially across social groups, and b) affect norms around reproduction and family.

Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life
Nehle Penning contributes to the project "Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life: Evidence for Policy Innovation Towards Inclusive Extended Work and Sustainable Working Conditions in Sweden and Europe – EIWO" (Co-PI Prof. Dr. Monika Reichert), which is a clloaboration between the University of Linköping, the University of Sheffield, Jagiellonian University Krakow, Universität Vechta, and the Forschungsgesellschaft für Gertontologie e.V. - since 2019